Still Crazy Service Julian Mitton, MD Is Here To Tell You About Things You Didn’t Know About Addiction

Julian Mitton, MD Is Here To Tell You About Things You Didn’t Know About Addiction

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Addiction is a chronic brain disorder that can affect anyone. Addiction causes a person to lose control of their ability to stop using drugs or alcohol. People who are addicted often end up making poor choices and having problems in their relationships, work and health. It’s important to understand that addiction is not a character flaw or moral failing—it’s a real illness that affects the brain and body. There are effective treatments for addiction, including medications and behavioral therapies that help people with addictions live healthier lives.

Addiction Is A Chronic Brain Disorder

When you are addicted to something, the brain changes. It’s a chronic disease that affects your thinking and behavior. It is not your fault that you have this condition, and there is no shame in being addicted. There is help available for you. Julian Mitton, MD believes that many people who have been through it can relate their experiences so as to provide insight into what might be going on inside your head when dealing with addiction.

Addiction Has Many Causes, Including Genetics, Trauma And Environment

• Genetics: Addiction is a disease that runs in families. If you have a parent or sibling who has had problems with addiction, you’re more likely to develop an addiction yourself.

• Trauma: A traumatic event can trigger an addictive behavior. For example, if you’ve experienced sexual abuse as a child and later become addicted to pornography or gambling as an adult, this could be because the trauma caused your brain chemistry to change so that certain stimuli make you feel relaxed and comfortable–like when people drink alcohol after going through something stressful at work or school (or both).

• Environment: Your environment plays an important role in determining whether or not you’ll develop an addiction. Factors like where you grew up; what kind of education system was available; whether there were healthy relationships between family members; how much money was available for things like sports equipment or toys–all these things affect how children grow up emotionally healthy adults who don’t turn into addicts later on down the road! Click here Julian Mitton, MD.

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